Marianne McNamara
Artist's Statement
As a woman of a "certain age", I cannot remember a time in my life
when art has not been a major component. I still have memories
growing up in bucolic upstate New York and my dear mother coaxing
me away from drawing, trying to get me outdoors to play with the
neighborhood kids.
Like many of us afflicted with a passion for art, I was born drawing. I drew on everything! Painting came rather late for me. Strolling by the Art Students League one day in the mid '50s I wandered into that dusty palace and with much trepidation signed up for a painting class. Oh, the wonder of it all. It was Open Sesame, Shazam and Wow all rolled up into a crowded classroom with splotches of paint on every surface creating some crazy masterpiece of its own.
Throughout my long life, art has often been the elixir for keeping me sane!
You know those delightful moments when nothing seems to be working!
When that happens to me, I know where to go - to my therapist - my easel!
As a woman of a "certain age", I cannot remember a time in my life
when art has not been a major component. I still have memories
growing up in bucolic upstate New York and my dear mother coaxing
me away from drawing, trying to get me outdoors to play with the
neighborhood kids.
Like many of us afflicted with a passion for art, I was born drawing. I drew on everything! Painting came rather late for me. Strolling by the Art Students League one day in the mid '50s I wandered into that dusty palace and with much trepidation signed up for a painting class. Oh, the wonder of it all. It was Open Sesame, Shazam and Wow all rolled up into a crowded classroom with splotches of paint on every surface creating some crazy masterpiece of its own.
Throughout my long life, art has often been the elixir for keeping me sane!
You know those delightful moments when nothing seems to be working!
When that happens to me, I know where to go - to my therapist - my easel!
All images and content © 1979-2023 West Side Arts Coalition unless otherwise indicated